Frequently Asked Questions

Sales Process

The production of your Custom In Ear Monitors will be completely unique to you, so all production stages of EarFit In Ear Monitors begin after your ear prints reach us. Your In Ear Monitors will be completed and shipped to you within 15 business days of receiving your ear prints.

Almost all file types can be processed by our designers. However, if the design is to be expressed in the design language, the cover designs will be vector graphics. The designs you send should be as high resolution as possible. Otherwise, losses may occur in the image. Please bear in mind that the shape of the cover of each earphone is different, so the image you share may not fit the cover exactly in some cases.

You can access our custom made headphones and other information on our social media accounts. We share our productions on our Instagram and LinkedIn pages.

The colors of the designs you share may differ in our final product. The same design may also appear differently on different computers. Please also consider that similar tonal differences may occur during the printing process. The shape of each earphone’s cover will be unique, so the shape, orientation, and the portion that fits on the cover of the design may vary. Therefore, tonal and orientation differences in the printing of the design are not covered by the warranty.


We ship domestic orders with UPS and international orders with DHL. The shipping fees will be covered by us.

Customs charges for international shipments may vary from country to country. Therefore, EarFit is not responsible for tax assessment in customs in addition to the shipping fees. The assessment and clearance of customs is the responsibility of the recipient. In the event that your order is held in customs, the Customs Administration or DHL will contact you directly regarding the fees and procedures to be followed. Please note that EarFit has no control over customs procedures and tax assessments in the destination country.

For more information, please contact your local Customs Administration

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All costs associated with warranty processes are the responsibility of EarFit. However, customs procedures for returning the product are the responsibility of the user.

EarFit reserves the right to invoice for taxes and fees that may arise from operations not covered by the warranty.


You can clean your Custom In Ear Monitors with a damp cloth. Cleaning with alcohol-based products can cause deformation and color changes on the earphone surface. Be careful not to let liquids enter the sound channel when cleaning the earphones. Otherwise, the sound drivers may be damaged.

This is a very rare situation. We develop our earphones to be able to adapt to all conditions and be long-lasting. However, if you encounter such a situation, you can contact us at [email protected] and send us your earphone. Customs charges that may arise when sending your earphone to us are the responsibility of EarFit. However, the user is responsible for taxes that may arise after the service process.

Our cables are not covered by our warranty. However, if you think your cable is not working when you receive your earphone, you can contact us at [email protected] within 30 days.

EarFit In Ear Monitors are designed to easily replace the connecting cables. In addition, MMCX and 2-Pin connections are standard connection types, so you can attach any type of cable you want.

We produce EarFit In Ear Monitors with a accuracy of over 95% with the ear prints you send us. Therefore, make sure to follow the instructions in the Ear Print Guide when taking your ear print.

The use experience of personalized earphones is different from standard earphones. Spend some time with your earphones to get used to this experience. Some users may take more than a week. However, if you still feel discomfort with your earphones, you can contact us at [email protected].

This situation usually occurs when your earphones do not fit your ears perfectly. If the problem improves when you try to fit the earphones correctly in your ear, the earphone body needs to be remade. In this case, you need to take a new ear impression and send it to us. This service is free for the first 30 days. After 30 days, a revision fee of $20 is charged.

All EarFit In Ear Monitors are made of biocompatible and contact skin-friendly materials. These materials are specially developed for earphone production and are not affected by ear mucosa or sweat.

Be careful when attaching or removing your earphones during sports or when you sweat a lot. Make sure that sweat outside the ear does not enter the channel of your earphones.

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